Live to be 1000 years old? May soon be possible 

Live to be 1000 years old? May soon be possible

BBC Article: We will be able to live to 1,000

This article from BBC reports on a Cambridge University geneticist who thinks it's likely that we'll be able to cure aging in about 20 years. Basically, medical science would treat aging and the natural damage that occurs from it as if it were a disease. This doesn't mean we wouldn't die. We would still be at risk from being killed in accidents.

Just think if this can be made a reality. Its impact to society would be incredible. So many things in society would have to change to handle this.

First, people would have to ask if it would be moral for people to receive treatment to stop aging. It's so unnatural from our current day perspectives. Also, is it selfish? If we decide not to age, does that reduce the opportunities for all those generations that come after me.

Second, people will have to decide how long they want to live. Will they get bored after several hundred years? But they shouldn't have to worry about living hundreds of years with reduced physical or mental capabilities. The anti-aging treatment should prevent this so people will be able to live full lives.

Third, there would be huge impact to governments and to economies. Could you imagine the population explosion that would result if the life span increased bys uch an amount. Then there's the issue of elders who would concentrate wealth and power. This could create stagnation through out the economy. Also, it would create havoc in our legal systems. The Supreme Court justices might serve for centuries. Copyrights could last 1000 years. People drawing pensions for centuries would bankrupt institutions.

Then there are the impacts to families. Could you imagine having a great-great-great-great-great-great-great grandfather who is still alive? Would people still marry for life of 1000 years? Would 500 year-olds still have children?

In the last 200 years, the human race has been through dramatic changes and has adapted. If this becomes a reality, I think we'll do the same. Hopefully, I'll still be young enough when this treatment is ready. I guess I better not plan to live off my savings after I turn 65 or else I might have to go back to work at 120....

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